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How to be a better parent in 2024

parent wellness & mindset
parenting word of the year

Forget new year’s resolutions - most people don’t stick to them anyway.

I prefer choose my parenting word of the year - a single word to guide me in my parenting journey over the next 12 months. I think of it as my year’s compass - in every good moment, I’ll strive to amplify that word. And in every challenging moment, it will remind me of the kind of parent I want to be.

Here's how to choose

Just ask yourself: In your best moments as a parent in 2023, what word would you use to describe who you were?

Calm? Sturdy? Patient? Loving? Trusting? Authentic? Open? Courageous? Truthful? Assured? Confident? Worthy?

Whatever you’d like to see more of in 2024 - that’s your word. 

Make it visible

Now that you have your word, write it down on at least 3 post-its and stick them around high-touch places in your house - so you’ll be visually reminded of it multiple times a day.

I have mine on my bathroom mirror, at my dining table, and in my entryway.

Don’t be deceived by how simple this exercise is. Even though it takes just 5 minutes to do, you’ll reap the rewards month after month - if you invest the time to choose your parenting word of the year now.

Tell me your word

So there you have it! I’ve shared my parenting word of the year with you, and now I’d love to hear yours. For newsletter subscribers, just reply me via e-mail to share the word you’ve chosen and why - I read every note that comes in.